Monday, October 20, 2014

Baby Roy Turns 2 Months

Two whole months! It sure doesn't seem like a long time, especially since when I look at Roy, I swear he's at least several years old. Apart from the not moving much and not talking much, he feels like he understands enough to be quite old! I am sure all parents think that about their kids. They just seem so smart! Here are some fun things about Roy this month:

-He has a giant head. Okay, we knew it already (50th percentile for head circumference at birth! And combine that with only 3rd percentile for looks pretty cute and funny). But we recently got together with some friends who had a baby, and Roy really looked like he had a big head then!

-He is starting to make noises and smile. And it is the cutest darn thing! We spend so many hours each day trying to get him to coo at us, or smile. Shenli is the big winner in that category - he blows in Roy's face and Roy closes his eyes and gets a big smile on his face.

-I think he will roll over any day. He lays on his back and rocks side to side so violently. And he has been able to roll from tummy to back a few times, but not consistently.

-Nap time is turning into fool-the-parents time. He will be silent for a long time, and then start crying in his bed. As soon as we crack open the door to check on him, he will look directly at us and stop crying. He sure knows how to get us to pay attention to him!

-He is so content, we can take him anywhere! In the last week, we have taken him to church, some friends' house, and a baby shower. At all three places, he was totally content as long as we held him (which we, or someone else, did constantly!). Even if he is tired or hungry, if he is being held then he will just sit and watch the world go by.

-Next week, he gets his 2-month shots. I am excited to see how much he has grown, and for him to start really interacting with us!
He is learning to smile now!

His hair is an adventure every day

He loves Grandpa, but not so much the spider hat.

At night he enjoys taking off his clothes while inside his swaddler!

He looks so big now!

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