Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Life as the Mom of a 1-Year Old

I thought I'd write a similar post to the previous one about life as a 1-year old. Here is what it's like to be me! Not even any pictures because it's early and I'm lazy.  I tried to think of more, but life as a mom of a 1-year old is pretty normal I guess. :)

  • You buy all-the-snacks at the store (crackers, fruit snacks, cookies) for "baby" but secretly you just plan to eat them all because he needs fruits and vegetables of course!
  • You've now given up on keeping the tupperware cupboard organized, but actually you're happy about it because it's a safe toy! Plus, it is so adorable to see the baby learning to put things inside tupperware.
  • You love the new rug in the hallway, but what you're most excited for is seeing how the baby plays with it, walks on it, and treats it like a new alien in the house. The same goes for all new home decor - seeing the baby play stare at it is the best.
  • You consider all onesies "too small" now (even though they're not), just so you can buy adorable new big kid t-shirts and pants.
  • You still argue (not really) with your husband over who gets to keep the baby (but I want to take him to the store, he's the best!) - hopefully this argument will continue forever... :)
  • You are constantly amazed at how smart, talented, hilarious, and adorable your baby is. You hope he never grows up at the very same time that you can't wait for him to keep growing and learning.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Life As A 1-Year Old

It hasn't even been a month since Roy turned one, but I already feel like he's lightyears ahead of last month. This isn't an official 13-month post (will I even keep doing them now that the months are in the awkwardly-too-high-to-really-tell-how-old-he-is range? We shall see...), but here are some things about what it's like to be one. Also, I really feel like Roy just grew up overnight. Not like "it's gone so fast!" but literally like he learned how to do so many toddler things in a day....or a week at least!

  • Your dance moves become super awesome, including swaying, head banging, stomping, and some erratic crazy dances.
  • You think everything is a phone, including your bare hands and your sippy cups.
  • You no longer use a bottle. Sad day for you (you cry several days in a row hoping mom will give in and give back the bottles) but it is the happiest day ever for mom to not do bottle dishes any longer!
  • You think you are really strong and can carry around giant boxes, Tupperware, puzzles, books, and your toy riding car.
  • You get super frustrated when you aren't strong enough to lift the biggest things, like the "What to Expect" book. You throw the book on the ground in anger until mom gives you some light sci-fi to "read" instead.
  • You also get frustrated at other little things like: not being able to reach the deepest toy (computer mouse) hidden in your toy box. Also: trying to read your book in your crib late at night in the dark and not being able to see anything.
  • You are obsessed with putting things in containers. A book in the trash can? Yep! The door stopper in your crib? Yep! Everything is a container and everything needs to be "put away".
  • One of mom's favorites is that you can concentrate on things for a long time now. Like doing a puzzle or putting two blocks together - you won't take time to laugh at mom's jokes or be distracted. You just keep sitting there, concentrating away!
  • Most of all, you know you are hilarious and you know everyone loves you.

I call this picture "everyone needs a haircut". But also, Roy is obsessed with coming to sit in our laps. He just walks right up, turns around, and plops down as close as he can get.

He is also super good at doing the puzzle. He can get most of the pieces if I put them close to their spots!
Picture with mom because they are few and far between!

You concentrate on reading books, and you love to do the animal sounds. Currently every animal (including the neighbor's dogs) says "mooo", but you're getting there!