Saturday, January 26, 2013

An NYR Update

Remember New Year's Resolutions? Seriously, it was less than a month ago but I think I've already forgotten several of mine. Well lucky for me, I was randomly browsing Pinterest today and saw a link to food storage tips. Hey, I need to do my food storage! So since I need a schedule for all things because I can't seem to do anything without one...(and because food storage and preparedness is super daunting to me and I'd like to plan and space it all out), here's an expanded schedule for my preparedness goal and my family history goal!

Food Storage
I found this great website Prepared LDS Family. She even has a "start here" page, hurray! Following this website, here's my plan for preparedness:

February- Find out how much water we need and get that much, plus get into a regular rotation (literally, we have no water stored....I'm a bad preparer!) Water Page
March- Set aside an emergency fund and put together a 72-hour kit with important documents and everything else. Money Page and 72-Hour Kit Page
April- Plan the meals we would eat for our 3-month supply and begin stocking the ingredients 3-Month Supply Page
May- Continue to stock food for 3 months
June- Continue to stock food for 3 months
July- Continue to stock food. If I haven't already done so, can fruit or vegetables to put in supply.
August- Hopefully have supply completed. Now, make a rotation schedule and find and compile other recipes to use for food storage.
Buy September, I'd like to feel comfortable and knowledgeable about food storage, and have a long-term plan in place!

Family History
So family history is always on my mind ever since I made this goal, but I'm seriously still overwhelmed just thinking about it. I know quite a bit of my family history has been done on all sides...but I still feel like I need to learn about it, even if it's just learning what others have done. So here's a rough schedule of what I'd like to do for this family history thing...
February- Continue watching all the tutorials and playing around with New Family Search so I feel comfortable with the website and what family history is all about.
March- Link up both of us so we're attached to our ancestors as far back as we know (and make sure all our own information in entered).
April- Print our family history fan and make a binder to begin collecting all the information for our ancestors
May- Begin actually researching. This is a very vague goal, because honestly I'm not sure all that this entails. I'm such a beginner at family history...but hopefully in the next months I can learn more and feel what my purpose for family history will be.
June- Now that I'm working on family history, I'd also like to make sure our own histories are recorded. Research things I can do to create our family history- be it journals, pictures and scrapbooking, etc. Begin something that will keep a record of our family history for our posterity.
July and on- I'm honestly not sure where this goal will take me. I'd like to begin finding a family name that I can work on...but is that what I'm supposed to do? But the rest of the year will be spent acting on this goal- searching for our family history.

Well that's it...lame post about needing schedules to run my life, but every time I write my thoughts about these two goals, it makes me so excited! If you have any comments about either of these goals...please share them with me because I clearly have no idea what I'm really doing! But I guess that's what learning is all about. :)

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