Sunday, May 24, 2015

Roy: 7-9 Months

How many times can I use the excuse "life was so busy last month" before everyone stops believing me?? Apparently I skipped Roy's 7- and 8-month posts. Luckily, it's not like he's growing and changing daily.... (That was a joke- it really does seem he learns something new every day!) Here are some highlights lately:

-Roy can pull himself up, sit back down, and walk around the couches and tables. He LOVES to stand and walk around.
-He has started stroking my hair. (Don't worry - he also pulls it sometimes too, I'm not getting out of that one!) He will grab a piece of hair and run his fingers down it, then grab again.
-He has 2 teeth. He was a little more cranky than usual one weekend, and then he bit my finger and it actually hurt!
-He has learned some new tricks - he can play patty-cake with me (he just hold his hands up waiting for me to high-five them), and he can splash in the tub. My favorite trick is that he can clap! We had been trying to teach him for weeks, and then I was at a baby shower and a guest was showing him how to clap, and then he did it! Ever since then, he claps all the time - when someone is excited on TV, when he's with a group and having fun, all the time.
-He can dance too! While standing up, he'll bend his legs and move his little bum. If sitting, he'll rock back and forth. He does it to all kinds of music, and he is always on beat too!
-He finally got sick for the first (and second!) time. He got a cold one day, and was so miserable/grumpy. He also slept more than usual. Then the rest of our family got sick after him!
-For his second sickness, he had a fever of 103 on Mother's Day. We took him to the ER, and they thought he had a UTI. Turns out (it takes 48 hours to know for sure), he actually didn't. But, the antibiotics they gave him caused an allergic reaction! He had hives all over. Luckily, it wasn't more serious than that, and now he's back to his wonderful self.
-He still isn't talking, but I hope he's getting close. I know he recognizes the word 'milk', even if he won't say it. He babbles 'mama' and 'dada' a lot. I am trying to speak to him every chance I get so he can learn some words!!
-He only weighs 14lbs. YEP he is smaller at 9 months than some babies at 2 months! But he's solid and active and oh-so-happy. He loves to follow us around the house from one room to the next.
-He can crawl the right way now! He only does it about half the time, but he gets his legs up under him and awkwardly crawls!
-He loves all foods now. I think he doesn't like olives (random...), but other than that, he loves everything he gets in front of him: pizza, stir fry, cafe rio (the spicier, the better!), cookies, bananas, and even regular baby food. I am still not great at feeding him consistently (some days it just never happens..) but hopefully I can get a schedule together soon.

8-month pictures - I did take them, just didn't post!

Getting into all sorts of mischief

He LOVES standing

Right before this picture, he was entirely on top of the cube - arms and legs in the air. 

A rare picture of us together!

Family picture May - check!

Cousin time

At the ER - a sad, cuddly boy

9-month pictures. Clapping!

9-month pictures - he wouldn't sit still very long

I really hate other people's food baby pictures. BUT I see why people take them. They are cute...only to the parents I bet :)

We had some fun visitors this weekend! And Roy just woke up... (grump!)

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