Friday, June 14, 2013

Super Easy Pillows

Our apartment finally feels a little more like a home: it has pillows! These pillows have been a long time in the making (I've had the fabric since January!) and I can't believe I waited this long to make them. They were so easy! I bought this fabric a long time ago, and I have avoided getting pillow forms because they can be so expensive. But I finally found myself itching to be crafty, and so I ventured out with my coupons to JoAnn's - and found them to be 50% off anyway! I love it when the exact thing I need is 50% off - it's like telling me it's my destiny to do this craft.

So once I finally acquired all the necessary supplies, these pillows took all of a half hour to make. Why did I wait so long? I followed this super easy tutorial from The Happy Housie (did you know I have the exact same bird fabric? I finally did something with it too- post coming soon!) and I couldn't be happier. I measured a billion times and cut once, sewed some (reasonably) straight lines, and now we have wonderful pillows! The two fabrics clash a little (probably a lot, actually), but I really like them both, so they'll do for at least a while. 

Unfortunately, my dear husband does not feel the same way about pillows that I do (I feel like they are the best addition to our decor we've ever made, so I suppose it's hoping too much for him to feel the exact same way...). Apparently three pillows on one couch and only one on the other feels so lopsided to him that it's driving him crazy. But that's what wives are for, right? Also, rule #1 about these pillows is that you can smash them, throw them on the floor, use them as foot rests, and anything else. Because pillows that need gentleness and tender care wouldn't last a second in our house. So they will never look perfectly fluffed, but I still love them!

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