Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blue and Yellow Skirts

I know I'm taking a break from sewing (and I'm just starting to miss it, so that's a good thing!), but these two skirts are from a few months/weeks ago. The blue skirt was back in April, and the Yellow skirt I just finished  in September. My inspiration for these skirts came from this tutorial by The Winthrop Chronicles. One of my biggest downfalls when it comes to sewing is picking the right fabric. I can never seem to get the right...texture of what I want. I think that's a major thing I want to focus on and research when I eventually sew something again.

But anyway, I do quite like these skirts, beside the fact that the fabric is a weird texture and so they wrinkle easily, and they stick to themselves and me in weird places..basically I need to line the skirts I make, but I just haven't gotten around to it. Since I really wanted a yellow skirt like the one in the tutorial, I made the blue one first as a practice and then learned from it in order to make the yellow skirt. The blue one has places where I had to take it in afterward, and fold over fabric, etc. etc. But when I put them back on to photograph them, I actually like the blue one better. I think all the folded fabric makes it thicker and heavier, which feels so much better than the yellow one- it's too light and doesn't feel like it covers me as well (don't worry, it does cover me plenty :D).

side by side- the yellow isn't really that bright..promise!

I learned a few things, and I want to learn way more before I ever tackle a form-fitting skirt without a pattern again. I learned that since I'm curvy, this kind of skirt doesn't look as good on me..I think. I may just be picky, but I feel like I look better in skirts that sit higher on my actual waist, than low on my hips. Hurray for pencil skirts! I also learned that I don't know how to make pockets, or sew a zipper (especially invisible ones), or measure myself well.
pleats on the front of the yellow skirt

the blue one has pockets! I couldn't get pockets to work on the yellow, so I sewed them up.

Isn't this zipper invisible? I need to work on that skill a lot.

That was a major part of the second skirt- I wanted to measure myself perfectly so I would have a form-fitting skirt without folded-over fabric and such. But I need so much more work on this skill, because I still can't figure out how to get it to sit on my waist rather than ride up all the time, or how to get the length right for standing versus sitting. Skirts are just so complicated! But I do like these, and if I only wear them a few more times before trashing them, at least I'm on my way to learning valuable skills!

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