Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February Project Craft: Reverse Applique T-Shirt

February's craft project was a late starter, but it sure was fast once I got on a roll! I have a whole bunch of plain t-shirts that are getting near the end of their lives. Ever since I saw this tutorial from Sweet Verbena for a reverse applique bag, I knew I wanted to do a reverse applique t-shirt. The hardest part was coming up with a design- But now that I've seen the results, I have many more designs in my head I want to try!

I wanted to do this purple t-shirt, so I looked for some flowery fabric. I was going for "spring wildflowers," but I couldn't find anything at Jo-Ann's that worked, so I settled for this purple fabric. It looks okay, but it's not my favorite.

I wanted to continue my "spring wildflowers" theme with a whimsical flower design. I couldn't find anything online I liked, so I just penciled something out. I figured, this is just a project to keep me creative and help me learn skills so it doesn't need to look good. :)

This isn't really a tutorial but I took pictures all along the way for fun. I ironed the interfacing onto the fabric- it took me back to my childhood when I remember making Halloween pumpkin pillows with my mother. I still remember ironing on the interfacing to that orange fabric!

Then I just sewed. Now, I was really afraid of sewing on the jersey fabric of my shirt. I tried a few times on a spare t-shirt I had, and it was not pretty when I just sewed straight on the t-shirt. However, when I sewed on the interfacing and the purple fabric as well, the stitches actually stayed in place and didn't stretch the shirt! In a few months I have a monthly sewing project of making a jersey dress. I know before then I will definitely need to buy a ball point needle and some elastic thread. Maybe even a walking foot! But I was relieved to find I could sew on this shirt without too much trouble. Fhew!

The hardest part was the cutting. First of all, thank you parents for amazing sharp scissors for Christmas! However...due to me wanting to finish this shirt and have it done, those sharp scissors did find their way through my purple shirt a few times...There are just a few little holes here and there now, but hopefully they won't be too noticeable with all the pretty flowers!

Overall, I am SUPER happy with this. This is the first time I have dreamed up something and have it actually turn out how I wanted- and I actually think it looks cute enough to wear sometimes! The fabric match isn't my favorite though, so I'll for sure be trying this with other shirts- maybe some bold reverse applique stripes, maybe some letters on a purse or something. I am so excited to have learned a new skill!

By the way. When I went to Jo-Ann's to get this fabric, I was wandering around and fell in love with this fabric. I bought all the rest they had! But now, I have no idea what to do with it. What would you do with it?

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