Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Update

It's been a while, but things off the blog have been busy and hectic and boring and normal all at the same time! We had Grandpa Steve come visit us at the end of October, and due to some crazy thunderstorms, he was able to stay with us a few extra days! Even though I'm sure Grandpa missed being home and in his normal routine, we sure enjoyed having him here. Despite the crazy weather, we were able to go out to eat at all our favorite places, and took Roy to walk around the Bass Pro Shop near us. Roy loved the live fish, and I can't wait to take him back! Thanks Grandpa for coming to see us!

The weather was nice at least one day!

The bear and live fish at the store

Is it terrible my first thought when both families would be here was "now we can take pictures of each family!"

We also had Grandpa Ira and Po-po here for halloween, and all of us adults had fun taking Roy trick-or-treating, and then eating all his candy of course. Roy sure has all of the best grandparents a kid could ask for!

Roy was a jedi for halloween, which actually only involved a brown cloak and a "light saber" made of a bubble wand. Hey, points for frugality when he won't even remember it! He actually loves the cloak, and still reaches out his arm for me to put it on him every time he sees it in his closet.

The cutest little jedi who wouldn't stop moving for pictures :)

light saber!

We're in the height of "fall" in Texas I think. With the rain, we've also seen some drops in temperature (Shenli said "it's kinda cold" in his shorts while Roy and I are already bundled up in winter extreme clothing with our hot cocoa). But I do love the crispness in the air and the upcoming holiday season!

Here are some things about Roy lately, so that I can remember these forever. I just went through our calendar pictures for this year, and I've already forgotten so much from when he was little-r!

-squints at the camera when the flash goes off
-says "ahhh" after drinking..and eating, and any time he just wants a laugh from us
-has a new word: "wow" and he makes his mouth as big as he can
-is getting picky about food "one bite of this, then one bite of that" and won't eat until he gets it. Also, if he decides he wants something else to eat (like if I bring out a new food), he'll spit out his entire mouthful of food so he can start in on the next thing.
-runs away at night after the bath so he doesn't have his diaper on. He knows it's a game and will wait until I chase him before he gets too far
-knows that the mail key goes in the mailbox door
-is learning so much about his toys, he seems so smart! He knows the rainbow order of his rings, so he takes off one if he puts on the wrong color. He will only drive his car around if there is music playing, so he stops when the music stops and presses the button again before continuing. He is almost getting the hang of "cleaning up" at the end of the day, and he almost knows which puzzle pieces go in which slots too! We sure love this boy more every day

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