I am a list maker totally and completely. When I make New Year's Resolutions, it's not even the accomplishing that makes me happy - it's just the list making. I LOVE making new lists, even if they become obsolete in a matter of seconds. And so, I found this idea for "30 before 30" - starting at age 25, I've written 30 things I'd like to accomplish by age 30. Unlike most people's ambitious goals of seeing foreign countries or risking one's life in skydiving/bungee jumping/etc., mine are more "goals to help me become a more ME me" by age 30. Or at least...I hope so! Whether I will even accomplish a single goal on here is yet to be seen. But in the mean time, I just LOVE the process!
1. Find my perfect perfume
2. Do 50 real push ups in a row
3. Create a living will
4. Get a real hair cut
5. Go 1 month without sugar
6. Find a consistent way to journal/blog/share my thoughts
7. Own sharp knives
8. Do a "no spend month"
9. Buy flowers from an outdoor market
10. Buy a piano
11. Commission or buy a big piece of art
12. Buy a house
13. Make a quit
14. Take a craft or home improvement class
15. Sell jewelry I have made (or something else)
16. Do one major home improvement project
17. Perfect a chocolate chip cookie recipe
18. Make a fish recipe that we like and eat occasionally
19. Be part of a book club
20. Read 50 books in one year
21. Have professional family pictures taken outside
22. Grow a garden
23. Go on a family vacation somewhere where we don't have family
24. Go camping
25. Find a name for the temple
26. Remember family birthdays for one year
27. Find a way to do service
28. Have a walking buddy or play group
29. Donate blood
30. Host a party with multiple families