Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Baby Update: Weeks 24 and 29

Hello again! No promised craft this post :( but at least I'm posting another pregnancy update. I've gotten back in the swing of things lately, with making dinner almost daily, so maybe crafting or desserts and pictures will come soon.

Week 24 was pretty great. That's when the bump really started showing! Here are some other fun notes:
-I could really feel the baby by this week.
-I think the baby's favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Every time I ate one for about a whole month, the baby would move around like crazy!
-He also developed a fun trick, which I call "play dead", but that sounds terrible. Basically, he would move around like crazy, and then as soon as I or anyone else went to feel him kick, he'd stop! Maybe he is a little shy.
-I felt great at 24 weeks, I was wearing only maternity clothes, and I could eat anything I wanted!

Week 29: I didn't go to the doctor again until week 29, so I skipped a 28-week update. Here are some things at 29 weeks:
-Baby weighs about 3lbs. I can't believe that is all right there in my tummy
-I have been feeling some heartburn, back pain, and soreness from a giant growing tummy. Nothing too bad though!
-We still haven't purchased anything on our own for the baby yet. Soon to come will be a pack 'n play, diapers galore, and a carseat! I also plan to make a few things, so hopefully I can get started on that craftiness soon.