Week 24 was pretty great. That's when the bump really started showing! Here are some other fun notes:
-I could really feel the baby by this week.
-I think the baby's favorite food is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Every time I ate one for about a whole month, the baby would move around like crazy!
-He also developed a fun trick, which I call "play dead", but that sounds terrible. Basically, he would move around like crazy, and then as soon as I or anyone else went to feel him kick, he'd stop! Maybe he is a little shy.
-I felt great at 24 weeks, I was wearing only maternity clothes, and I could eat anything I wanted!
Week 29: I didn't go to the doctor again until week 29, so I skipped a 28-week update. Here are some things at 29 weeks:
-Baby weighs about 3lbs. I can't believe that is all right there in my tummy
-I have been feeling some heartburn, back pain, and soreness from a giant growing tummy. Nothing too bad though!
-We still haven't purchased anything on our own for the baby yet. Soon to come will be a pack 'n play, diapers galore, and a carseat! I also plan to make a few things, so hopefully I can get started on that craftiness soon.